
Primary focus countries


Currently Dominicans for Justice and Peace has two open projects in the Philippines:
  1. Climate change awareness
  2. Human Rights Straining 
  • Philippines: Climate Change Awareness

    Raising awareness and preparing future generations on the impacts of climate change on human rights

Project´s budget:  CHF 39,830


Help them plant the hope for a better environment…

Participate in letting the youth create better awareness on the climate crisis and the adverse consequences on people and their rights.

The Philippines ranks among the countries most affected by climate change. The high vulnerability of the country to climate change adversely impacts the rights of the people, including their rights to food, to water and sanitation and to health. Pupils and students in over a hundred Dominican schools in the country are beginning to act for greater climate change awareness in the country.

Support this effort by the youth to campaign for enhanced protection for the environment and human rights, greater national solidarity and a better hope for their own future.

Project title: Raising awareness and preparing future generations on the impacts of climate change on human rights

Location: National

Main objective:  To consolidate and strengthen awareness of climate change in Dominican schools in the Philippines and support environmental defense actions.

Duration: 12 months

Direct beneficiaries: The Dominican Family for Justice, Peace and Care for Creation in the Philippines (DFJPCC) and teachers from the Dominican schools

Indirect beneficiaries: Thousands of students from the Dominican schools and their communities at the national level (more than 100 schools and institutions)

Main activities:

  1. Trainer’s training on climate change and human rights awareness;
  2. Monitoring of the interactive sessions with students in the Dominican schools;
  3. Production of a booklet compiling the raising awareness activities in Dominican schools and informing on the impacts the project had on the
    awareness of students on climate change and human rights issues;
  4. Production of climate change training and advocacy modules which would be refined and piloted in the Philippines for use and adaptation in other countries;
  5. Climate Change and human rights advocacy at the Conference on Climate Change (COP28);
  6. Engagement with the new UN Special Rapporteur on Climate Change and Human Rights;
  7. Documentation of good practices and lessons learned in climate change awareness.

Expected results :

  1. Good practices in environmental and climate change awareness are documented and shared;
  2. Trainers are trained to strengthen and coordinate climate change awareness in Dominican schools;
  3. Dominican students can share their stories and learn from each other;
  4. Dominican students become climate change and human rights advocates;
  5. Climate change awareness and human right awareness is mainstreamed in Dominican schools and institutions in the Philippines;
  6. The advocacy actions and methodologies are shared to other Dominican schools and institutions across the world.

To contact the project proponents:

In Geneva: Benedict Rimando,, +41767195340

In the Philippines: Fr. Victor Calvo,

Ph Human Rights
  • Philippines: Human Rights Training

    Consolidating the gains of trained human rights advocates in the Philippines

Project´s budget:  CHF 29,023


Finding solutions to human rights challenges in the Philippines

The reports on Human Rights in the Philippines released by the High Commissioner on Human Rights paints year after year a bleak picture of the situation in the Philippines. Human rights are sacrificed for the benefit of measures and laws that are claimed for a better national security.

Dominicans for Justice and Peace and the Dominican network engaged on Justice and Peace in the Philippines are monitoring the human rights situation in the country since the past few years and have documented a number of human rights violations, including extrajudicial killings (EJK) of thousands of civilians. Dominicans for Justice and Peace organized several human rights trainings for the local Dominican network on working methodologies to increase the impacts of their advocacy.

The organization wants to continue empowering partners in the Philippines in searching for ways to promote human dignity.

Project title: Consolidating the gains of trained human rights advocates in the Philippines

Location: National

Main objective: To consolidate the capacity of the Dominican network in the Philippines in human rights monitoring and advocacy.

Duration: 12 months

Direct beneficiaries: The Dominican Family for Justice, Peace and Care for Creation in the Philippines (DFJPCC)

Indirect beneficiaries: Thousands of victims of human rights violations in the Philippines

Main activities: 

  1. Participation in the upcoming UN reviews of the Philippines by the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and the Committee on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR) : In 2022, the human rights record of the Philippines will be reviewed by the UPR and the CCPR, which provides an excellent opportunity for the Dominican network in the Philippines to bring their main concerns regarding EJK, climate change and environmental issues to the attention of the international community;
  2. Participation of a member of the Dominican Family for Justice, Peace and Care for Creation of the Philippines in a training in Geneva for human rights defenders from the regions.

Expected results:

  1. Dominican human rights advocates in the Philippines will have the knowledge, and skills to effectively monitor the human rights situation in the country including in the context of the reviews by the CCPR, the UPR and other UN mechanisms;
  2. The Dominican Family for Justice, Peace and Care for Creation in the Philippines will be strengthened and made autonomous in its activities and operations;
  3. Allows members to be actively engaged in human rights advocacy and monitoring, not only locally but also internationally;
  4. Other religious congregations and groups will get support in their advocacy in view of greater visibility and effectiveness.

To contact the project proponents:

In Geneva: Benedict Rimando,, +41767195340

In the Philippines: Fr. Victor Calvo,



37/39 Rue de Vermont, C.P. 104, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland


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