International presence

With its headquarters in Geneva and representations in Vienna and Nairobi, Dominicans for Justice and Peace plays a role in consistently denouncing human rights violations and environmental degradation at numerous UN bodies while supporting Dominicans and other civil society actors who are implicated in these issues on the ground. ​


Since the creation of the League of Nations in 1919, Geneva became a hub for the development of international diplomacy and multilateralism. 100 years later, Geneva remains the epicentre of human rights and humanitarian affairs in the world. With an office located at a stone’s throw from several offices of the UN, such as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, the Delegation is at the heart of international debates and negotiations on key contemporary issues.

To find out more about the advocacy programme of the Delegation in Geneva, click here.


Vienna is the seat of a number of UN Offices dealing with a diversity of topics such as transnational organised crime, criminal justice, narcotic drugs, corruption and nuclear energy. The Delegation in Vienna primarily engages with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and more specifically with the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ). The Delegation focuses on a number of transversal issues, such as: human trafficking, prison reform, forest crime and education for justice.

To find out more about the advocacy programme of the Delegation in Vienna, click here.


Nairobi is the UN Headquarters for its Environment (UNEP) and Human Settlements (UN-HABITAT) programmes. The UNEP is the main global organisation working with environmental issues and plays an important role in supporting nations to deliver on their environmental commitments. It deals with a vast array of environmental issues such as: climate change, ecosystems and biodiversity, chemicals and waste, oceans and seas, air, water and forests. Since 2018, Dominicans for Justice and Peace is an observer to the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) of UNEP, enabling it to have an active presence in the various sessions of the UNEA and its subsidiary bodies.

To find out more about the advocacy programme of the Delegation in Nairobi, click here.



37/39 Rue de Vermont, C.P. 104, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland


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