

GIF Unveils Research Study on Non-Economic Loss and Damages during #HRC57

GENEVA — On 27 September 2024, the Geneva Interfaith Forum on Climate Change, Environment and Human Rights (GIF)—of which Dominicans for Justice and Peace is an active member—presented key findings of the “Research Study Beyond Material Loss: Exploring Non-Economic Impacts of Climate Change through Community and Faith-Based Perspectives” at the sidelines of the 57th session of the Human Rights Council. 

The GIF’s research project was geared toward contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of climate-induced non-economic loss and damage (NELD). “Many [faith] leaders interviewed expressed the imminent loss of territory as a significant challenge that the communities are facing now,” Salvador Nieto, main contributor of the research, revealed as he presented the key findings of the study.

During the #HRC57 side event, experts in the areas of environment, human rights and policy along with representatives from faith-based organisations (FBOs) engaged in a discussion focusing on NELD impacts on society, particularly vulnerable communities, moderated by Elena Cedillo from the Lutheran World Federation. In light of the presentation of the research study’s findings and discussion, Rina Kuusipalo, human rights officer with the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, noted: “The assessment on non economic loss and damage requires more attention.” 

UN Special Rapporteur on Climate Change and Human Rights Elisa Morgera underscored how FBOs bridge the gap between the availability of information on-the-ground and the lack of awareness and understanding of NELD impacts among governments, policymakers and decision-makers.  “We understand how difficult it is for governments to bring together the information… to understand the full spectrum of Human Rights violations in the context of Climate Change. The role of faith-based organisations to offer a whole set of information is crucial and should be valued.”

Marissa Noelani Toomata, First Secretary Permanent Mission of Samoa to the UN in Geneva, shared how the Pacific island nation values and takes pride in the key role that faith communities play in preserving culture and heritage while building the resilience and stability of the country, especially in the wake of the pandemic and disasters due to natural hazards. “We are currently building our Pacific loss and damage response to better address the non-economic losses and damages… Church leaders have been identified as key actors when disasters strike,” Toomata said.

In a video prepared for the HRC57 side event, Pacific Council of Churches Secretary-General Rev. James Bhagwan also imparted a very insightful message about NELD: “You can never place a monetary value on relationships. On identity. On culture. On sacredness. On sovereignty. But what we can start to do to see what would the processes that address these losses cost.”

“Research Study Beyond Material Loss: Exploring Non-Economic Impacts of Climate Change through Community and Faith-Based Perspectives” served as a foundation for GIF’s advocacy efforts at the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) held in Baku, Azerbaijan.

© 2024 photos and video from Franciscans International



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