2021 | Urgent Action

Israel-Gaza Conflict

On the Israel-Gaza Conflict 

as the International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace (IDCJP):

We express our rejection of any kind of violence in the resolution of any conflict. We mourn those who have lost their lives as a result of these attacks, and stand in solidarity with those who have lost loved ones or have been injured in any way. We welcome with hope the necessary ceasefire announced by Gaza and Israel. We hope that this ceasefire will not go the way of previous ceasefires only to be renewed with deadlier violence. We echo the call of Pope Francis to pray for peace in the Holy Land. We call on all parties involved to dialogue as a tool for conflict resolution. Finally, we call on all nations to engage in a just solution that guarantees peaceful coexistence, dignity and the common good for all the inhabitants of the Holy Land.



37/39 Rue de Vermont, C.P. 104, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland


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